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Robert Bailey
Robert Bailey

CEPIS E-Competence Benchmark

CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark er et konkret værktøj til selvevaluering, der bygger på e-CF og benchmarker dine kompetencer op imod jobprofilerne. CEPIS kræver registrering, men er gratis at anvende. Det afgørende er, at du med en brugerprofiler kan gemme dine markeringer og selvevalueringen og herefter genbesøge din profil. Du finder CEPIS her.

CEPIS e-Competence Benchmark

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Human resources management systems provide the basis for job evaluation, pay scales and performance management. However they do not necessarily include linkage to training opportunities. Using the e-CF to map education to competences can fundamentally improve the comparability of courses. It serves as a benchmark of competences to reference training programmes, whether they are developed in-house or outsourced. Each competence is built and described with its components and levels. Its modular structure allows for the combination of different competences to develop learning modules. The e-CF can therefore be used to help shape and assess training courses, by providing a methodological approach to identify the competences and skills required within an organisation.Although the European professional ICT landscape is diverse, with varying levels of maturity, the need to develop adequate tools to recruit and manage ICT staff has never been stronger. This will undeniably take time, but we must act now if we are to take full advantage of the opportunities that ICT can offer.

2015-05CEPIS (takmer) mesačne publikuje elektronický informačný bulletin s aktualitami z prostredia CEPISu a členských spoločností CEPISu. Na stránke CEPISu sa členovia SISp môžu prihlásiť k odberu tohto bulletinu.

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