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Robert Bailey
Robert Bailey

Homework Assignment 2 !!INSTALL!!

this very similar to the function we were asked to write in the first homework assignment. There is no need to call the function but I did in this case to make sure the functioned worked properly and to check if I would get an answer. I then saved the function in a .py file so I could use it later on. I named this file Exponential_1 and it will in the future be referred to as such.

homework assignment 2

For Problem 2 of this homework assignment, we are pulling everything together. This time our data set represents the radioactive decay of Polonium-210 (becquerel) over a period of days. With the rate constant and initial condition from the non linear fit (as shown in Figure 6) we can calculate the half life of the unknown chemical in our data set.

This quiz is homework assignment #2. Any question you answeredcorrectly in class are considered correct for the purposes of theassignment. Any question you did not answer or which you answeredincorrectly is now a short answer question for the homework assignmentdue in class on Wednesday. We will hand back the graded quiz onFriday.In italics are instructions on how to answer each question forhomework. The correct letter answer is listed after each question.Good luck!1.Explain briefly little-o. Reduce each expression to simplestform. List most descriptive asymptotic relationship between eachpair.Which of the following are listed in strictly increasing asymptoticorder (i.e., the left function is asymptotically less than, orlittle-o, of the right function)?(a)1, 2(b),(c)n2, (d),5 n(e)3n, n3Correct answer(s): (b)2.Derive bound for recurrence (as we did in class). Which of the following is an asymptotically-tight (i.e. big-)bound for the recurrence: T(n)=T(n/2)+1?(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Correct answer(s): (c)3.Note time for each statement. Write recurrence describing timetaken by function. Derive bound for recurrence.The following function is designed to make a computer user say thatthey see an albatross. It does this by asking them again and againuntil they go crazy and say that they do see one:int Albatross(int n) If n=1 Then Return End If For i=1 to n Print ``Do you see the albatross now?'' End For Albatross(n/2)Which of the following is an asymptotically-tight bound on the numberof times the user would be asked about the albatross:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Correct answer(s): (b)4.Derive correct equation (step by step). Consider the following recurrence relation:Suppose we expand this equation k recursive times as we did in class(assume that the recurrence stated above is correct for k=1). Then,in general we would have which of the following?(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Correct answer(s): (b)5.Justify correct answer (how do we know it?). Give correct formfor (b), (d), and (e) (e.g., what is a good bound for the maximumnumber of leaves in the tree?). Briefly explain why (c) is not true.A certain tree has a depth of d, a maximum branching factor of b,and n nodes total. Which of the following must be true of the tree?(a)The tree has n - 1 edges. (b)The tree has no more than 2d leaves.(c)The tree's smallest element is stored at its leftmost leaf.(d)n is no larger than db(e)Some node in the tree has d children.Correct answer(s): (a)

In this homework assignment, you will investigate how some design issues, related to the user-located loop control mechanisms, are addressed in Dart, Javascript, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Rust languages. The design issues you will investigate areShould the conditional mechanism be an integral part of the exit (conditional or unconditional exit)?Should only one loop body be exited or can enclosing loops also be exited (labeled or unlabeled exit)?

For each design issue and each language, your example codes should explain the answer using code segments in the respective language.You can illustrate the answers to these questions, in different parts of a single program.The example programs must be complete. You can use online compilers/interpreters for this homework.For each language, prepare a single source code file that exemplifies and tests each design issue, in the order given above. Your example programs must be different than the sample codes that may be available on the Internet.To help the TA understand your code and give you good grades, appropriately comment on your source code to explain your example and why your example is appropriate for this homework.

Organize all of your experiments and their results and put them into a report. The report should include the following:Submission: A single zip or rar file should be submitted containing the following files with given names: Part A - Report (65 Points)A single file for report: lastname_name_report.pdfFor each language and for each design issue, sample code segments and the results of their execution. You should explain what your example does, clearly. Make sure you give a list of references and proper citations to these references in your report about the design choices for these issues in the languages covered in this homework. (45 points)A section that includes your evaluation of these languages in terms of readability and writability of User-Located Loop Control Mechanisms.Write a paragraph discussing, in your opinion, which language is the best in terms of the User-Located Loop Control Mechanisms. Explain why. (10 points)A section about your learning strategy. A learning strategy is an individual's approach to completing a task. In this section, discuss, in detail, the material and tools you used, and the experiments you performed. Also talk about personal communication, if you had. Give the URLs of the online compilers/interpreters you used to run your programs (10 points) Part B - Source Code Folder (35 Points)A folder called, Codes. The contents of the folder will be as follows: A single file for Dart code: lastname_name.dart (5 points) A single file for Javascript code: lastname_name.html (5 points) A single file for Lua code: lastname_name.lua (5 points) A single file for PHP code:lastname_name.php (5 points) A single file for Python code: (5 points) A single file for Ruby code: lastname_name.rb (5 points) A single file for Rust code: (5 points)Please upload the zip or rar file you created to Moodle before the due date. Important Notes:

Homework assignments are to be completed by the due date and saved in a folder to be handed in twice during the semester. Refer to this site frequently; homework assignments may be added. Homework assignment #1: Due Wed., Sept. 2 1. Find a non-fiction book in McKeldin library that analyzes some aspect of the city or urban life. Provide full bibliographic information, including the call number. Identify the discipline from which you feel this book derives and briefly describe the kinds of sources and methods it uses. 2. In a daily newspaper, check to find how many uses of words like city, civic, urban, metropolitan, and their derivative forms you can find. Prepare a list of at least five different words (or examples of different uses of the same word). For each example, provide a brief citation to show the context, and then define the word as it is used in that context. NOTE: The purpose of this exercise is in part bibliographic. Make sure you consult a style manual to see the proper format for all your references.Homework assignment #2 (first brief paper): Due Friday, Sept. 4 Find two articles dealing with the "city" or "urbanism" (you may also want to check terms such as "modernity" or "industrialization" whose definitions may include discussion of cities and urbanization) in two encyclopedia, respectively, and see how their authors define the issue. One encyclopedia can be general (such as Encyclopedia Britannica), but the other must be specialized (that is to say, pertaining to a broad, albeit distinct subject area, such as International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Blackwell Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Social Thought, Encyclopedia Judaica, etc.). Prepare a 500-word treatment of the issues worth investigating on the subject, comparing and contrasting the ways in which the subject is presented in your two sources. Feel free to praise or criticize the approach that your sources used. At the end of your paper, list the search terms and methodology you used. Extra credit will be given to anyone able and willing to use at least one foreign language reference source (such as Brockhaus, Larousse, etc.). Homework assignment #3: Due Mon., Sept. 11 1. What does Barnavi mean by "discontinuous space" and how is his approach useful in an understanding of Jewish geography/urbanization? [Hint: Think about the difference between objective fact and people's perception of fact.] Barnavi's atlas is on reserve at McKeldin with the reference number XPB 3221.A1. 2. In the time-line chronological graph Barnavi is comparing several different sets of statistics. What are these? Do they all use the same scales? What line links the various scales? Is his presentation useful? Does this method of presentation distort reality? Are there assumptions in his presentation that you find questionable? 3. Why does Barnavi devote a special section of his graph page to comparing Diaspora/Israel populations? Homework assignment #4: Due Wed., Sept. 16 1. Briefly outline the major demographic trends of modern Jewish history identified by Freisel. 2. How many periods is Friesel charting? What is the meaning of the number under the first box in each of his sets of urban population readings? 3. For each of the periods charted, identify the three cities with the largest Jewish populations, and list them in order with approximations of their Jewish populations. 4. What are the implications of changing "rates" of urbanization? Homework assignment #5 (bibliography): Due Fri., Sept. 18 Using the library catalog entry for the video "The Other Half Revisited: The Legacy of Jacob A. Riis" (1996) directed by Martin D. Toub, try to find other books on Jews in poor urban immigrant neighborhoods. Be ready to provide a list of these in class. Homework assignment #6: Due Fri., Sept. 25 Research Proposal & Bibliography: Prepare a one-page bibliography on an aspect of Jewish urban life in Poland/Russia anytime before World War II. (Sample topics might include the history of the Jews in a particular city, the economic life of Jews, Jews and non-Jews in the city, synagogues in large cities, etc.) Your bibliography should include approximately ten items including both scholarly articles and books. Make sure that you format your bibliography according to one of the accepted style manuals. Introduce your bibliography with a brief paragraph outlining your theme, its importance, and what you expect to find through your research. Homework assignment #7 (second brief paper #2): Due Wed., Oct. 14 Are photographs (and films) reliable historical sources? What are the advantages, strengths, and limits of photographic records as a source for Jewish urban history? Answer these questions through a close analysis and comparison of pre-World War II images, at least one drawn from Eastern European Jewish life and at least one drawn from American Jewish immigrant life. (Suggestion: you might be well served looking at books by, and about, Jacob Riis.) Compare your images in terms of what they emphasize and what they omit, how the photographer structured the image, etc. Are your photos reliable historical sources? Why? Your paper should be approximately three pages. If the images you use come from books, attach photocopies of the photos to your paper. If they are from videos, try to describe as closely as possible where they occur in the video. Homework assignment #8 (third brief paper): Due Wed., Nov. 11 View the video "Crossing Delancey." In a paper of approximately three pages, compare the images of Jewish urban life (and particularly the view of Jewish women) presented in the play, God of Vengeance, by Sholem Asch, the movie "Mamele," and this film. Pay particular attention to the portrayal of the conditions of Jewish life, of Jews' occupations (and their resultant social status in the city), on the meaning of religion, and of the role and fate of women in these situations. End your paper by considering why the various scripts differed so much in their portrayals of these issues. Bibliographical references regarding Jews and Film Homework assignment #9: Kiryas Joel and the Issue of "Establishment" Part I(four-page position paper): Due Mon., Nov. 23

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